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Sunday 30 October 2016


The Global Evangelical Students and Associates Ministry of the University of Health and Allied Sciences have extended their expertise in health delivery to the main church; Global Evangelical Church (KABHILL ZION TEMPLE).

This, as believed by the students, is a step in the right direction; as a way of appreciating the people who have mentored them into what they are now.
"We believe that this is one way to evangelize to people out there and also impact into their lives what we are being taught as students of a university", , Chinedu Chidi Emmanuel, GESAM president.

The exercise which saw a number of participants going through the various screening processes as; the Blood Pressure (BP), Hepatitis B test and the Counseling, was very much successful and carefully coordinated. The church was also lectured on ways of good living with the choices of food.

Mr Dennis, a member of the congregation, was very much enthused about the program. He thanked the leadership of the UHAS-GESAM and pray that more of such is organized. He confirmed that most of them find it very difficult to go to the hospital and if such services are brought closer to them, it will be very good to take part in it. He added that the program should be extended to other branches of the Global Church in the municipality.
"I am one person who doesn't like going to the hospital regularly as supposed. In fact I hate being in long queues. And I believe the story is same for almost everyone here. So it's a good initiative and if this program is brought to us, we have to try as much as possible to go through the exercise".

Rev. Ganyo, the Pastor of the main church was very much happy about the exercise and wishes it comes off as often as possible.
"Am much delighted to have you students in our mist. Its a very good initiative to impact into society what you have being taught. If I have my way, this program should be conducted timely."

The leadership of GESAM promise to, in another convenient time organise this program.

Mawunyo (GESAM - Protocol)

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